Stress Incontinence - is when urine leaks because of pressure being placed on your bladder, whether it’s from exercise, coughing, sneezing, laughing or lifting heavy objects.
Urge Incontinence - is when you have a sudden, strong urge to pee without the ability to hold it in. This is by far the worst kind as it can happen anywhere at any time with little to no warning before.
Overflow Incontinence - happens when small amounts of urine leak from your bladder whenever it’s full. Making it the easiest form of incontinence to deal with.
Functional Incontinence - as we age and mobility gets harder and harder, people with normal bladder control can have a hard time getting to the bathroom in time to relieve themselves.
If any of those sound familiar… don’t worry. You’re not alone.
Millions of women deal with incontinence every day.
It is nothing to be ashamed of.